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Private Lending

Private Lending

You’ve Been Pre-Approved, Now What? Private Lenders

Are you having issues gaining traction with traditional lenders, despite your well-established equity? Centum Home Lenders is here to help.

With the rise of entrepreneurship in Halifax (and Canada); is it any surprise so too has the practice of using a private lender?

Private lending; borrowing from an individual or company instead of a bank, can be an alternative to traditional financing for transactions considered higher risk- like entrepreneurs without a dependable income.

Typically, private lenders’ rates are much higher than traditional lenders. This is why Centum Home Lenders uses it as a stop-gap until we can get our clients back into a traditional lending agreement.

If you’re having issues becoming approved through traditional channels, and have equity, a private lender may work for you. Contact us today to get started on your homeownership action plan!

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